Outgoing elective program offers the widest opportunity to all students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada in participating students exchange program overseas at both partner universities under MoU and non-MoU with or without credit transfer.
For the first step, please click http://ugm.id/outgoingugm to register. However, if you already have an account, you can login directly. Fill in the online application form due to the official nomination by faculty to the host university in which you would like to apply for. At the same time, students have to process an official permit letter for outgoing by submitting these following forms:
- Surat Permohonan Izin Kegiatan Ke Luar Negeri
- Surat Pernyataan Menanggung Akademis
and enclosed by:
- academic transcript;
- TOEFL/IELTS certificate;
- CV;
- motivation letter;
- Letter of Invitation (LoI)/Letter of Acceptance (LoA)
to the Department of Academic and Student Affairs, 1st floor of KPTU Building (Mrs. Mita).
[flipbook title=”2019 PARTNER UNIVERSITIES” height=”850″ width=”100%” pdf=”http://forensikfkkmk.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/1492/2021/05/2019-LIST-PARTNER-UNIVERSITIES.pdf” lightbox=”false” cover=””]
For those who interested in enrolling credit transfer as part of Block Elective D.3., you have to meet up the following administrative requirements as well as the regulation of Block Coordinator D.3.:
- Actively registered as a 3rd-year medical student
- Complete the form of elective credit transfer proposal
- Enclose the legalized academic transcript with score/minimum GPA of 2.75
- Enclose the valid legalized certificate of TOEFL/IELTS with score minimum 450 (TOEFL) and 4 (IELTS)
- Enclose the letter of acceptance (LoA) or letter of invitation (LoI) from host university or IFMSA
All documents are compiled in a red folder, then submitted to secretariat of undergraduate program in medicine at Grha Wiyata. Block Coordinator D.3 will then review and approve it later along with the Head of Undergraduate Program in Medicine if the documents meet up all requirements.
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