To become an innovative and superior world-class Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, and always serve the interests of the nation and humanity inspired by the nation’s cultural values based on Pancasila
Ziarah Makam dalam Rangka Dies Natalis FK-KMK UGM Ke-78
FK-KMK Researchers Study Molecular Diagnostics at the World Level
Strengthening Hospital Capacity through Collaboration
From the exchange program I went through on January 14th to February 8th, 2019, I have learned a lot of lessons that I believe can be used in the upcoming future such as in clerkship phase of my study. Not only medical lessons, I also learned various interesting culture and norms of Thailand. The exposure to real clinical setting help me to understand many procedure and skills deeper and better. It also increased my passion to work in the medical field.

It was a fruitful trip as I was exposed to a wide range of conditions which is different from Indonesia. I experienced healthcare in the most ideal setting with adequate facilities. Through this trip, I learnt to appreciate the values of professionalism, teamwork, empathy, humanity and respect to the patient’s opinion in addition to medical skills and knowledge. These values and experiences will have a longstanding influence in the way I practice as a doctor.

This clerkship experience was great. I was amazed with their hand skills, also how doctor-assistant-nurse worked together. They were very discipline, fast, and sharp in terms of work. This kind of thing really encourage me to study harder and bring same work ethic to Indonesia like what I saw during my clerkship. It was also pleasure to be taught by doctors how to manage patients, read imaging results, and work in the outpatient clinic. But besides hospital experiences, I truly had a lot of fun-quality time with my friends from various countries. I learned a lot from them; their cultures, their systems, and how they behave.

This past one month in Poland has been an amazing experience for me. Though I did not have many opportunity to assist or apply the practical skills that I have learned, I was still given the chances to do catheterization, see some CT-scan results, and harvesting lung cancer tissue. All the doctors there were very kind and welcoming. They will try to explain what they were doing whenever we observe and it was very convenient that all of the doctors there can speak English fluently. It would have been better if I were able to practice my skills more and assist more during the program.

Going to the Netherlands for the first time was nothing like I ever expected. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life, and I will go for it again if I ever had the chance. Thank you, IRO and FKKMK UGM for the amazing opportunity!

+6282225437730 (Wenny)